Monday, 31 August 2015

Puck's Diary Entry 3


Today Oberon finally decided to release Titania from the love spell after he had argued with her over the Indian Boy. He taunted her then he finally asked if he could have the stolen Indian child, and believe it or not, she said yes to him right away. She sent a fairy to collect the boy and the fairy brought the boy to Oberon's home. It was then that he decided to release Titania from the curse and he said to me "Gentle Puck take this transformed scalp from off the head of this Athenian Swain, that, he awakening when the other do, may all to Athens back again repair." So that's what I did, I took the asses head off of Bottom and he and his friends all went back to Athens and would think the whole thing was a dream. After Oberon had woken Titania she saw Bottom and told Oberon she had no idea what had came over her and why she had fallen in love with Bottom. So Oberon and Titania fell in love with each other once more and forgot about everything that had happened.

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