Monday, 31 August 2015

Pucks Diary Entry 2


Today I saw a group of bumbling idiots walk by. I heard one of them say, "This green plot shall be our stage for our rehearsal and we will do it in action as we will do it before the Duke." From what I heard they had gotten together to rehearse some play they planned to perform on Theseus's wedding day. The dumbest one, who played Pyramus in the play, finished his scene and went and sat in the bushes where he waited for his next cue. That's when I took the opportunity to put an asses head on him. When he went back on stage and spoke to Thisbe he came out of the bushes and all of his friends saw him and they all ran away as fast as they could. They were were all so afraid that they completely lost their common sense and they started to become terrified of inanimate objects. They were terrified by the thorns and briars that caught onto their clothing and pulled off their sleeves and hats. I laughed at the sight of them running and left them. The only problem was that at that same moment Titania awoke from her sleep and fell in love with the monster known as Bottom. 

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